We also would like to encourage you to publish papers or reports in the fifteenth edition of European Bison Conservation Newsletter [Żubr i jego ochrona Biletyn].
Papers are published in this journal in English only.
Journal European Bison Conservation Newsletter [Żubr i jego ochrona Biletyn] charges no fees for submission of the manuscript, review process, publication, archiving and full text access.
European Bison Conservation Newsletter [Żubr i jego ochrona Biuletyn] is a scientific journal published by the European Bison Friends Society. The first issue of the Bulletin was published in 2008. The journal publishes peer-reviewed scientific articles and short communications and non-peer-reviewed popular science articles on the genus Bison.
Scientific article [peer-reviewed]
It is an original scientific paper presenting newly discovered empirical facts or results of experimental research. The submitted text should be consistent with the purpose and thematic scope of the European Bison Conservation Newsletter [Żubr i jego ochrona Biuletyn] scientific journal and have the layout of a typical scientific article, i.e.: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion ( or combined “Results and Discussion” section) and Conclusions (optional), with a suggested minimum word count of 4000.
Short Communication [peer-reviewed]
Popular science article [not reviewed]
It is a form intended for a wide audience. The purpose of the publication is to popularize knowledge in accordance with the purpose and thematic scope of the scientific journal European Bison Conservation Newsletter [Żubr i jego ochrona Biuletyn]. The structure includes: Abstract, Key words, Main part (may be divided into subchapters) and References, and may contain figures or tables. It is not required to use bibliographic footnotes, but it is advisable to include a few items of supplementary literature. The popular science form does not justify factual, terminological and other errors. The Editorial Board decides about the publication of the submitted text.
For publication guidelines, please visit the European Bison Conservation Newsletter website at: